
(Sakaguchi-tei  tigers) 







Born in 1987, Kyoto, Japan.

It has a vertigo (imbalance) from a young age. Except during sleep, there is a feeling that is always shaking loose. 16-year-old, he was diagnosed with suspected multiple sclerosis, muscle weakness of the left leg, leaving a sequelae of left facial temperature pain reduction.

2008, it belongs to the Osaka broadcast writer office. It engaged in television production. 2012 spring, closed for dizziness worse.

In March 2013, it passed the Kyohei Sakaguchi new disciple audition. While it becomes dizzy and arrive reached the zero center of Kumamoto, as it is medical treatment. Start making at the same time sticking picture.At the same time at the time of kindergarten start reappearing paintings autographed. In 2014, announced the maiden work "kettle". I realize that dizziness is relieved when I am making paper collage, and after that I work as a paste painter. In March 2015, transfer base to hometown  Kyoto.





2015.09 第1回「貼り絵ワークショップ」@善立寺(岐阜県揖斐郡)

2015.10 伽鹿舎の文藝誌「片隅01」挿絵を担当

2015.12 第2回「貼り絵ワークショップ」@明覺寺(京都市下京区)

2017.07 子ども会「貼り絵教室」@明覺寺(京都市下京区)

2017.09  貼り絵教室@明覺寺(京都市下京区)